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picture1_The Leader In You Pdf 165513 | Smart Goals Worksheet

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File: The Leader In You Pdf 165513 | Smart Goals Worksheet
smart goal worksheet name award centre agreed upon smart goal award section some questions to keep in mind when writing your smart goal if you need help setting a smart ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 24 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Smart goal worksheet name award centre agreed upon section some questions to keep in mind when writing your if you need help setting a speak with leader and or assessor take look at the examples on page two who is involved helping will be what do want accomplish s where this taking place specific working why work does achieving like would an indicator that are making progress towards m milestones envision as measurable which actions could barrier how can stretch past those achievable limitations resources access these r commit realistic date time frame plan achieve by start today t best of week timebound goals last revised duke edinburgh international canada physical recreation example i increase my muscle strength endurance participating variety exercises measure completing fitness test training then every months until end program recording results track train times for hour connect monthly discuss adjust out increases skills learn basics guitar including knowing main parts understand...

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