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picture1_Leadership Pdf 165394 | 125927396

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File: Leadership Pdf 165394 | 125927396
advances in social science education and humanities research volume 379 1st vocational education international conference veic 2019 power influence of leadership on lecturer performance for university quality management sri handayani ...

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...Advances in social science education and humanities research volume st vocational international conference veic power influence of leadership on lecturer performance for university quality management sri handayani dyp sugiharto joko sutarto kardoyo doctoral program departement universitas negeri semarang indonesia mail unnes ac id dypsugiharto jokotarto keywords job satisfaction path goal abstract this review article give analysis about the relationship between leadersip lecturers at revolution era leader uses pattern managing depends behaviour college there is a significant correlation goals with form support participatory achievement oriented leaders assignments effective supervision also demographic characteristics age gender educational qualifications years service situational factors such as self control completion tasks assigned ability to accept pressure salary that impact from an important thing must be reviewed implemented so can maintain its existence introduction effectivenn...

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