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...Daftar pustaka akpinar ali talip et al the effect of organizational communication and job satisfaction on commitment in small businesses interdisciplinary journal research business azizil bana kepemimpinan transformasional dan lingkungan kerja fisik terhadap kinerja pegawai dengan motivasi sebagai variabel pemediasi studi pada perusahaan daerah air minum pdam kota kendari jurnal bisnis manajemen faculty social political science university merdeka malang bass bearnard m ronald e riggio transformational leadership second edition new jersey lawrence erlbaum associates publishers bernard bruce j avolio improving effectiveness through london sage publication performance beyond expectations free press york cetin munevver melisa erdilek karabayb mehmet naci efec effects styles competency bank mangers employee s case turkish banks paper presented international strategic management conferences procedia behavioral sciences available online at www sciencedirect com danim sudarwan efektivitas kelo...