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picture1_Leadership Pdf 164542 | 164 Item Download 2023-01-23 22-25-03

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File: Leadership Pdf 164542 | 164 Item Download 2023-01-23 22-25-03
notes from monday morning leadership by david cottrell copyright 2002 taken by lason perkins lason mindspring com time is valuable ground rules for meetings start and finish on time tell ...

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...Notes from monday morning leadership by david cottrell copyright taken lason perkins mindspring com time is valuable ground rules for meetings start and finish on tell the truth try something different to be extraordinary stop being ordinary metaphor of drivers passengers in a car huge differences responsibilities when you are leader now driver accept total responsibility make adjustments real spends their fixing problem instead finding who blame focus past present future keep main thing depend another s perceptions match your expectations re setting yourself up disappointment ask questions people quit before they companies managers not meeting needs boss must work together manage what do need them mission dictates our actions circumstances hire right coach better dehire those doing part one things does eliminate confusion escape management land get talk fall into categories super stars middle falling job lower bottom adjusting accommodating lowest performers should raising top recogni...

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