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...C h a p t e r leadership what is it most fundamentally about changes leaders do create the systems and organizations that managers need eventually elevate them up to whole new level or change in some basic ways take advantage of opportunities johnp kotter aryyukl definesleadershipas theprocessof influencingotherstounderstand andagreeaboutwhatneedstobedoneandhowtodoit andtheprocessof facilitat gingindividual collective efforts accomplish shared objectives peter northouse aprocesswherebyanindividualinfluencesagroup individuals achieve common goal these definitions suggest several compo nentscentraltothephenomenonofleadership someofthemareasfollows process b involves influencing others happens within context group d attainment goals are byleaders their followers very act defining as suggests not characteristic trait with which only few certain people endowed at birth means transactional event between viewingleadershipasaprocessmeansthatleadersaffectandareaffectedbytheirfollow ers either p...