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picture1_Leadership Pdf 164032 | Blake Mouton2

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File: Leadership Pdf 164032 | Blake Mouton2
video the blake mouton grid see human resources playlist browse all learnloads videos just search learnloads on youtube in 1964 management thinkers robert blake and jane mouton created their leadership ...

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...Video the blake mouton grid see human resources playlist browse all learnloads videos just search on youtube in management thinkers robert and jane created their leadership sometimes known as managerial five different styles were compared by plotting them a two dimensional scale one dimension is concerned with people manager who has high levels of concern will be very focussed ensuring staff like jobs are happy at work there also big emphasis career development opportunities second for production concerns fully recognises need operational targets keeping costs down move from low through to both these dimensions can summarised follows country club this sort leader believes that long team members content they motivated hard leaders create relaxed appealing place however does not focus enough getting job done produce or perish category employees first foremost means achieving corporate objectives believe mostly money efficiency productivity don t spend much time thinking about motivating ...

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