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File: Leadership Pdf 163963 | 1371451049
r m www irmbrjournal com june 2013 b international review of management and business research vol 2 issue 2 r i transformational vs transactional leadership theories evidence in literature odumeru ...

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...R m www irmbrjournal com june b international review of management and business research vol issue i transformational vs transactional leadership theories evidence in literature odumeru james a lecturer department banking finance osun state college technology nigeria email tujamng yahoo ifeanyi george ogbonna administration yaba lagos ifylondon gmail abstract styles have attracted the interest many researchers recent time while some believe that they are same others different this paper gives an introductory perspective into difference between transactionary drawing from concludes although conceptually elements exists keywords charismatic introduction is perhaps one most important aspects weihrich et al because major factor which contributes immensely to general wellbeing organisations nations such as electric chrysler had been turned around brink bankruptcy become two world s profitable through effective jack welch lee iacocca robbins coulter great like united america britain france i...

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