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picture1_Leadership Pdf 163623 | 25865791

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File: Leadership Pdf 163623 | 25865791
advances in social science education and humanities research volume 63 international conference on advances in management arts and humanities science amahs 2016 analyzing the relationship between leadership and management based ...

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...Advances in social science education and humanities research volume international conference on management arts amahs analyzing the relationship between leadership based concept of organization yaokui li school taishan university taian china liyk com key words function abstract is a basic problem theory practice main reason disputes about that their mother was ignored when some scholars analyzed are two functions nature mission to make sure do correct things while correctly this deeper thought warren bennis opinion every level constitute systems whole effect have dynamic complementary sides one thing result conducive integration it more introduction there an abnormal common phenomenon bad performance appears most s managers understand reasons they also know how take effective measures solve or even simple existing resources will but always waiting for top leader come forward let poor exist spread coldly often described as paradox reflects divided too much fact division misunderstands d...

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