contingency theory of leadership st b a i honors dr masaud ansari department of psychology a p s m college barauni nd l n m university darbhanga 22 august 2020 ...
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...Contingency theory of leadership st b a i honors dr masaud ansari department psychology p s m college barauni nd l n university darbhanga august typesofleadership there are different theories some important them will be discussed here e g trait and situational fred fiedler illustrative this interactional perspective is model argues that key difference among leaders whether they primarily task oriented single mindedly focused on the job or relations concerned about feelings employees amount control leader has determines which type more effective enjoy high when have good with their staff position power clearly structured in contrast exhibit low poor limited not defined effectiveness determined both by personal characteristics afforded situation conti focus particular variables related to environment might determine style best suited for according no all situations researchers white hodgson suggest truly just qualities it striking right balance between behaviors needs context able assess...