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File: Leadership Pdf 163522 | Etd 11292000 140421 Chapter2
chapter ii literature review leadership leaders and leadership have long been the subject of study analysis and reflection the need to understand leadership has figured prominently in man s search ...

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...Chapter ii literature review leadership leaders and have long been the subject of study analysis reflection need to understand has figured prominently in man s search for knowledge wisdom early were prophets priests chiefs kings who served as representatives highly evolved they exemplars competency ambition privilege or duty thomas carlyle great theory had its roots these legendary figures their traits skills was one earliest forms serious inquiry appearing field since expanded include an exploration not only but styles behaviors situations contingencies a variety other related concerns including interaction multiple variables sets immegart p perhaps most comprehensive compendium research on is richard stogdill handbook managerial applications which bass revised twice this work drew over references attempt document promote understanding application later editions attempted give legitimacy social science scholarship he saw complementing heretofore scientifically oriented inquiries did i...

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