the leadership challenge how to get extraordinary things done in organizations by james m kouzes and barry z posner jossey bass publishers san francisco 1989 the following are excerpts from ...
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...The leadership challenge how to get extraordinary things done in organizations by james m kouzes and barry z posner jossey bass publishers san francisco following are excerpts from above work we feel that this information is helpful leaders exploring their style practice myths traditions realities traditional management myth reality ideal organization orderly stable challenging process about changing times shaking up as renegades who magnetize a attract followers because of band with courageous acts deep respect for aspirations others focuses attention on short term roi effective had long future orientation they look beyond horizon present prescient visionaries vision can spring original thinking or represent inspiration someone else it be celestial mundane ought cool aloof describe feelings analytical separating emotion passion elation intensity caring kindness even love charismatic possess dynamism does not come some special gift powers comes strong belief purpose willingness express...