adriansyah a a authentic leadership komitmen afektif dan job resourcefullness issn 2460 8114 print 2656 6168 online authentic leadership komitmen afektif dan job resourcefulness dalam membentuk kreatifitas dan kinerja pegawai ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Adriansyah a authentic leadership komitmen afektif dan job resourcefullness issn print online resourcefulness dalam membentuk kreatifitas kinerja pegawai bank syariah di indonesia ahmad stie banking school ibs ac id abstract islamic in has stagnated terms of market share growth one important factor improv ing organizational performance is the its employees employee can be im proved by increasing creativity creative will have better increased if high affective commitment and an style leader data used are sharia commercial banks bus business units uus there were respondents from test results show that research measuring instrument valid reliable tests using structural equation modeling sem var iance based methods tested with smartpls application revealed affects affect itself only hypothesis rejected does not directly keywords abstrak kondisi mengalami stagnansi hal pertumbuhan pangsa pasarnya salah satu faktor penting organisasi adalah dari para pegawainya dapat ditingkatkan dengan meni...