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File: Leadership Pdf 163220 | 7a880af8ab788bfcbbe65937a80ee7839422
sinergi volume 7 nomor 2 maret 2017 the differences between management and leadership moh barid nizarudin wajdi stai miftahul ula nganjuk e mail baridnizar84 gmail com diterima 10 desember 2016 ...

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...Sinergi volume nomor maret the differences between management and leadership moh barid nizarudin wajdi stai miftahul ula nganjuk e mail baridnizar gmail com diterima desember direvisi januari dipublikasikan abstract there are a aim of this review is to determine result showed that two very distinct functions although do share many similar duties which consist working with people influencing others achieve goals skills used plan build direct organizational systems accomplish missions while focus on potential change by establishing direction aligning motivating inspiring must go hand in they not same thing but necessarily linked complementary any effort separate likely cause more problems than it solves keywords introduction without having positions important for therefore continuing controversy about delivery good services difference leaders managers some respects may involve scholars argue different types outlook behavior overlap activities should strive be synonymous bass furthermore ...

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