File: Leadership Pdf 163140 | 202004300445589829d981da
theories of leadership unit 4 part ii course code mgmt4009 course title organisational behaviour faculty in charge dr alka lalhall assistant professor department of management sciences trait great man theory ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 23 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Theories of leadership unit part ii course code mgmt title organisational behaviour faculty in charge dr alka lalhall assistant professor department management sciences trait great man theory thomas carlyle skill ralph m stogdill big five personality model behavioural ohio state studies university michigan s managerial grid contingency the fiedler situational path goal leader member exchange that consider personal qualities and characteristics differentiate leaders from non based on premise are born not made assumption theleaders posses certain traits which were inherited can arise when there is a need th proposedin century earlier was considered as quality associated mostly with males somepeoplearebornwiththenecessaryattributes set them apart others thesetraits responsible for their assuming positions power authority thoseinpowerdeservetobetherebecauseof special endowment thetheorycontendsthat these remain stable over time across different groups allgreat share characteristic regardle...