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picture1_Leadership Pdf 163108 | Leadership Nir

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File: Leadership Pdf 163108 | Leadership Nir
there exists a style of leadership that is universally more effective than all other leadership styles by lukman s psi m app psy nirwati yapardy s pd m hrm ir ...

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...There exists a style of leadership that is universally more effective than all other styles by lukman s psi m app psy nirwati yapardy pd hrm ir abstract are many exist but to evaluate the effectiveness leaders behavior determined on number factors namely selection appropriate criteria person whom making evaluation and used its this essay will examine compare two misumi pm theory transformational arguments examples from both would demonstrate national culture might affect therefore shows no one be applied key words good can in organizational performance northcraft neale moat organizations have same opinion crucial for they agree role an important as contributing successfulness ancok notions however differ reflection research conception three commonly most measure what extent leader performs task successfully attains goals another criterion satisfies their followers needs expectations lastly contribution quality group processes perceived or observes yukl addition casimir keats argue pref...

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