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picture1_Leadership Pdf 162717 | Lecturenotes21

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File: Leadership Pdf 162717 | Lecturenotes21
lecturenoteson leadership motivation ramunprasad lecture no 21 recapitulate learning outcomes after this session students will be able to denethe term leadership denethe term motivation differentiate the managership and leadership describe ...

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...Lecturenoteson leadership motivation ramunprasad lecture no recapitulate learning outcomes after this session students will be able to denethe term differentiate the managership and describe types of training gaya list theories describes explain maslow s theory p introduction is ability get desirable action voluntarily without force from followers success a leader depends upon his qualities characteristics these charac teristics are natural in some cases but there many where have been developed by constant effort g process inuencing subordinates so that they cooperate enthusiasti cally achievement group goals lecturer department humanity economics government polytechnic bihar e mail gpgcoe gmail com myhomepage https ecoramun wordpress humanresourcemanagement hrm denition can dened as art motivating people towards achieving commongoal orleadershipistheability convince others achieve enthusiastically according keith davis persuade seek ob jectives it human factor which binds together mot...

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