journal of education and practice www iiste org issn 2222 1735 paper issn 2222 288x online vol 7 no 10 2016 situational leadership theory as a foundation for a blended ...
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...Journal of education and practice www iiste org issn paper x online vol no situational leadership theory as a foundation for blended learning framework david meier research scholar national school pune india abstract ultimately with the raise computer technology has found its way into teaching continues to evolve challenging teachers lecturers alike most studies on focus practical or applied side use essentially pedagogical concepts this study demonstrates that sciences can enrich pedagogy in building setting at core transforms hersey blanchard johnson model presented helps organizing situationally correct employment crystallizes appropriate methods specific goals keywords adult introduction integrated provides multitude new opportunities knowledge acquisition sharing organization due rapid development field mostly covers best approach thorne garrison means while is widely used there does not yet exist many generally accepted theoretical deployment none tries combine educational theori...