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picture1_Agroecology Pdf 162364 | 3 Onehealthfinal English New Logo

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File: Agroecology Pdf 162364 | 3 Onehealthfinal English New Logo
position paper n 3 executive summary october 2014 agroecology and one health building a solid and lasting one health on the basis of agroecology we believe the concept of one ...

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...Position paper n executive summary october agroecology and one health building a solid lasting on the basis of we believe concept needs to be combined with in order inte grate local traditional knowledge experiences practices developed over centuries by rural communities accordance their specific environment small scale farming an educated engaged community taking into account agroecological ecosystem factors can enhance food security sovereignty promote adap tations climate change all which are crucial many dimensions agro ecology need integrated holistic approach that takes inter relationship between humans animals earth vsf for offered farmers farms who face perspective everyday problems land livestock explicitly links environmental is scientific discipline related ecosy animal human as part whole stems productive systems it integrates social strategy address disease not only through use movement strong cultural dimension reclaiming drugs but also evaluating climatic techniques etc ...

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