fao s work on agroecology a pathway to achieving the sdgs fao s work on agroecology contents pages 4 5 introduction pages 6 7 key messages pages 8 9 agroecology ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Fao s work on agroecology a pathway to achieving the sdgs contents pages introduction key messages and agenda global dialogue in action facts figures policy way forward page publications cover photo china landscape approach t v hieu ifpri milo mitchell future of agriculture is not input intensive but knowledge we need integrated that can offer director general jose graziano da silva people centred rooted sustainability matches transformative called for by overcome world greatest social economic equity challenges ambitious conserve biodiversity sustainable ecosystem services which development recognises depends urgent take offers unique pursue policies directed today food agricultural at transformational change systems have succeeded ending poverty zero supplying large volumes meeting hunger while ensuring inclusive markets yet they cannot growth sustainably managing deliver needs planet natural resources all high external context climate will resource generations only be possible commi...