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...Veer narmad south gujarat university surat syllabus for m sc botany semester iii and iv effective from june sem plant physiology biochemistry ecology conservations phytogeography human welfare breeding practical economic horticulture applied biotechnology bioinformatics genetics angiosperm systematic dissertation paper unit i water relations sources functions physicochemical properties of absorption mineral uptake by root xylem phloem transport passive active the cohesion theory transpiration stomatal movements role mycorrhizaein in nutrient ii photosynthesis history photosynthetic pigments mechanism light reaction a ps b photo oxidation c production assimilatory powers dark cycle cam factor affecting rate respiration types glycolysis krebs ets factors photorespiration lipid metabolism oil seeds glyoxylate gluconeogenesis assimilation inorganic nutrients nitrogen introduction source fixation physical biological sulphate phosphate cations scope importance agriculture reference books lin...