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File: Shsax 16
school module module title qual semester credit ca exam notes code code biotechnology bdi501 introductory biology chemistry and physics shsax 1 7 5 100 0 biotechnology bdi502 principles of diagnostic ...

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...School module title qual semester credit ca exam notes code biotechnology bdi introductory biology chemistry and physics shsax principles of diagnostic technology advances in diagnostics nanobiotechnology be biomolecules metabolism microbiology genetics pollution biosphere transport processes bioprocess engineering cell structure function bio pharmaceutical ii gene cloning expression biochemical microbiological analysis immunology for engineers comparative genomics developmental culture tissue biochemistry quota students downstream processing bioreactors primary separations environmental industrial bioprocessing proteins proteomics biopharma study abroad get preference over exchange biopharmaceutical immunological immunoanalysis human inheritance population animal toxicology business ac management accounting decision making financial audit procedures ef corporate investments macroeconomic policy irish economic international finance theory econometrics forecasting risk trade new enterpr...

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