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picture1_Teacher Activity Guide Pg36 49

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File: Teacher Activity Guide Pg36 49
grade 7 lesson 1 the prairie grassland ecosystem method copy of the prairie grassland ecosystem copy of apply your knowledge materials this lesson introduces the concept of how populations communities ...

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...Grade lesson the prairie grassland ecosystem method copy of apply your knowledge materials this introduces concept how populations communities and nonliving physical elements combine to create an these ideas are introduced by using as a specific example make copies student pages for each introduce explain terms listed at beginning biotic refers parts that alive e g bacteria other microbes any plants animals part abiotic not rocks soil nutrients presence water availability sunlight fire events etc population number organisms one species living in area all sugar maple trees forest small mouth bass lake community plant animal around grasses shrubs wildflowers insects live read introduction together drawing students attention defined above then or assign it independent reading you may wish refer following websites additional information images www blackfootedferret org prairiewildlife factors affecting include organism worms eat warmth organic matter earthworms food source same predators b...

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