i bsc ii semester cbcs botany paper ii plant ecology phytogeography plant pathology sree siddaganga college of arts science and commerce b h road tumkur affiliated to tumkur university botany ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...I bsc ii semester cbcs botany paper plant ecology phytogeography pathology sree siddaganga college of arts science and commerce b h road tumkur affiliated to university study material k s gitanjali page unit hr introduction scope the branch biology that deals with interrelationships interdependence between biotic abiotic factors in an environment is called or environmental german zoologist ernst haekal coined term it derived from greek words where oikos means home logos odum defines as structure function nature french word environer encircle surround interactions man living non components interdisciplinary field referred studies provides knowledge for proper maintenance natural resources helps understand harmful effects pollution need its control about population their necessity delicate balance none on biodiversity types reasons depletion importance methods conservation take suitable steps prevent extinction species protect endangered towards endemic restricted a particular geographic...