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File: Academic Pdf 162133 | 82522606018
vniversitas issn 0041 9060 revistascientificasjaveriana gmail com pontificia universidad javeriana colombia molano leon ricardo the roles of the board of directors the unresolved riddle vniversitas num 122 enero junio 2011 ...

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...Vniversitas issn revistascientificasjaveriana gmail com pontificia universidad javeriana colombia molano leon ricardo the roles of board directors unresolved riddle num enero junio pp bogota available in http www redalyc org articulo oa id how to cite complete issue scientific information system more about this article network journals from latin america caribbean spain and portugal journal s homepage non profit academic project developed under open access initiative los de la junta directiva el acertijo sin resolver reception date diciembre acceptance octubre para citar este sici tx l research produced by private law group faculty degree jd univerisidad master laws llm university georgia united states international bu siness catholic leuven kul belgium professor corporations at universiad contact ricardomolano n abstract is a highly complex organ considering its origin reasons for existence members relation corporation sharehold ers officers functioning models corporate gover nance mo...

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