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picture1_Companies Act Pdf 161856 | 1 Company Law Part 1 3 11 2019 Notes

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File: Companies Act Pdf 161856 | 1 Company Law Part 1 3 11 2019 Notes
edabs 301 law in business 2019 2020 lecturer shanila h gunawardena company law part i introduction types of companies incorporation etc companies act no 7 of 2007 as amended 1 ...

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...Edabs law in business lecturer shanila h gunawardena company part i introduction types of companies incorporation etc act no as amended legal status and capacity a section is body corporate identified by the name which it has been registered subject to articles association carry on or undertake any activity do enter into transaction within outside sri lanka laws other country all rights powers privileges necessary for aforesaid purpose carrying undertaking doing entering separate entity personality distinct from its members those who own e shareholders also different direct manage directors employees existence unaffected changes accordingly there perpetual succession regardless dies only when liquidated wound up becomes insolvent bankrupt s assets liabilities contracts belong not can sue if they have caused loss their actions this significant principle was judicially established house lords england highest court famous case salomon vs saloman co ltd ac important decision called boot sh...

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