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picture1_Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

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File: Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
entrepreneurial ecosystems and growth oriented entrepreneurship by 1 2 prof colin mason and dr ross brown background paper prepared for the workshop organised by the oecd leed programme and the ...

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...Entrepreneurial ecosystems and growth oriented entrepreneurship by prof colin mason dr ross brown background paper prepared for the workshop organised oecd leed programme dutch ministry of economic affairs on hague netherlands th november final version january increasing number high firms hgfs is now a major focus industry policy in developed countries however existing approaches are proving ineffective simply creating supportive framework conditions insufficient favourable environments business start ups not leading to creation more transactional forms support e g financial assistance have limited effectiveness at least post up ecosystem approach has emerged as response it recognises that flourish distinctive types environment distinguishing features include following core large established businesses including some been entrepreneur led blockbusters recycling whereby successful cashed out entrepreneurs reinvest their time money expertise supporting new activity an information rich wh...

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