microbial ecology metaproteomics a new approach for studying functional microbial ecology pierre alain maron lionel ranjard christophe mougel and philippe lemanceau umrmicrobiologie et geochimie des sols inra universite de bourgogne ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Microbial ecology metaproteomics a new approach for studying functional pierre alain maron lionel ranjard christophe mougel and philippe lemanceau umrmicrobiologie et geochimie des sols inra universite de bourgogne cmse bp rue sully dijon cedex france received november accepted online publication march abstract be an integrative science with strong interconnections in the postgenomic era there is clear recognition of between systematics genetics biochemistry molecular limitations nucleic acid based methods getting biology physiology modeling paleobiology soil information on functions expressed by com parasitology epidemiology etc important food munities situ this context large scale study public health environmental implications proteins indigenous communities can considered apart from bclassical metaproteome should provide to gain specics organisms involved small size insights into functioning component microorganisms difculty dening bacterial ecosystems characterization species huge ...