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File: Ecology Pdf 160867 | E 102 Lec 1
University of Basrah College of Science Dept. of Ecology Fundamentals of Ecology E 102 2017-2018 Prof. Dr. Usamah Hamid Yousif What is ecology? Ecology is the scientific study of the ...

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...University of basrah college science dept ecology fundamentals e prof dr usamah hamid yousif what is the scientific study processes regulating distribution and abundance organisms interactions among them how these in turn mediate transport transformation energy matter biosphere or living their environments including nonliving components we have to discover principles that govern divisions a broad biological can be divided into many sub using various criteria fields overlap each other few exist isolation examples are population behavioral community molecular quantitative ecosystem an defined as more less self contained ecological entity consisting both complete biotic abiotic non environment found particular place at time ecosystems controlled by external internal factors such climate parent material forms soil topography include disturbance succession types species present two main any properties life occupy given light temperature water atmospheric gases wind physiographic producers c...
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