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picture1_Ecology Pdf 160974 | Core Modules Description European Msc Agroecology

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File: Ecology Pdf 160974 | Core Modules Description European Msc Agroecology
european msc agroecology 120 ects 2 year msc programme overview of semesters and modules semester 1 nmbu norway the course in the first autumn semester agroecology action learning in farming ...

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...European msc agroecology ects year programme overview of semesters and modules semester nmbu norway the course in first autumn action learning farming food systems pae http www no is set up according to two important system levels three main themes will be production ecology people consists experience with real life cases lectures literature seminars workshops other activities depending on nature they are carried out individually groups or plenary for most part at least one day each week kept free class activity weeks consist introductory topics preparation a subsequent involvement then courses thematically practically structured stepwise process participatory inquiry last period oral presentations by students writing reports evaluations an exam case projects basis experiential work about five open ended where local communities participate government supported project foster organic locally encompasses half workload write their clients group report containing description analysis sugge...

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