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picture1_Ecology Pdf 160783 | 100010919

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File: Ecology Pdf 160783 | 100010919
1 gene ecological adaptations notes species differ in their environmental requirements they also differ in respect of their tolerance to environmental fluctuations the species occur in several morphological forms in ...

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...Gene ecological adaptations notes species differ in their environmental requirements they also respect of tolerance to fluctuations the occur several morphological forms different habitat conditions gote turesson a swedish scientist conducted series experiments on variations within he collected group or more individuals same plantago maritina from areas and planted them under identical his experimental garden at akark noted that intergrading existed which differed one another physiological features some differences might be temporary unstable could induced only by factors while others permanent i e genetically fixed these observations led him formulate concept ecology brought about many revolutionary changes plant taxonomy population sampling subsequent procedures followed conclude morphologically physiologically basis such studies proposed following classes ecads ecospecies ecotypes coenospecies ecoclines are called ecophenes epharmones may an extent can treated as it is because carry...

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