File: Ecology Pdf 160745 | Dresow&grossman Metascience
metascience https doi org 10 1007 s11016 018 0292 4 bookreview community ecology made easy mark vellend the theory of ecological communities princeton princeton university press 2016 xix 229pp us ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Metascience https doi org s bookreview community ecology made easy mark vellend the theory of ecological communities princeton university press xix pp us hb max w dresow jake j grossman springer science business media b v part nature reecting on state john lawton rendered a famously uncharitable verdict is mess riddled with so much contingency that useful generalisations are hard to nd nearly two decades later eld presents similar aspect widely perceived as theoretical and conceptual bucket case observes over past century its practitioners have devised literally hundreds models intended explain patterns diversity abundance composition in however because all these relevant at least one type somewhereonearth list explanations only ever gets longer never shorter new book sets out reframe this tangle way highlights linkages between various extant ideas it he brings together diverse empirical traditions an unprecedented engaging productive manner consists four sections primer formal elabora...