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File: Academic Pdf 160425 | 481 Item Download 2023-01-21 08-55-03
5 burnout a short socio cultural history wilmar b schaufeli the term burnout was rst used in a clinical sense in the early 1970s by herbert freudenberger a practicing american ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Burnout a short socio cultural history wilmar b schaufeli the term was rst used in clinical sense early s by herbert freudenberger practicing american psychologist concept developed further academic researcher and social christina maslach who subsequently most widely questionnaire for assessing from beginning twomoreorlessindependentstreams of activities can be observed eld studies practice based approach focused on cures which resulted emergence veritable industry oering workshops training programmes counselling historical conceptual development inprofessional recent developments theory research ed tadeausz marek washington dc taylor francis pp w utrecht university netherlands kuleuven belgium e mail uu nl theauthor neckel et al eds fatigue exhaustion doi psychotherapy organisational consultancy so produced thousands scientic publications according to google scholar psychinfo march interestingly there is not much interaction between these two elds very few practical intervention measu...

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