File: Society Pdf 160370 | Shsconf Rptss2016 01114
shs web of conferences 28 01114 doi 10 1051 shsconf 20162801114 2016 rptss 2015 what is well being in the modern society objective view 1 a 1 elena alatartseva galina ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Shs web of conferences doi shsconf rptss what is well being in the modern society objective view a elena alatartseva galina barysheva tomsk polytechnic university lenina str russia abstract topic human and has always interested great thinkers humankind however conceptually as problem state public this fully emerged only aftermath second world war past century it became especially topical mid s when special organization was founded on basis united nations development programme undp popular for various socio political economic cultural historical theoretical research applied programmes there no unanimously agreed definition category or an approach to its evaluation value importance present article continues cycle author articles devoted nowadays conditions looks into basic concepts conceptual grounds contradictions shaping key aspects broad fundamental causes possible methodological misconceptions influencing both their attitude them provides extensive statistical data which illustrate e...