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picture1_Society Pdf 159811 | Isna Switzerland Grupe And Harasic Snoezelen In Burnout

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File: Society Pdf 159811 | Isna Switzerland Grupe And Harasic Snoezelen In Burnout
david grupe katijana harasic isna switzerland snoezelen for people experiencing a burnout and as a prevention burnout is a widespread phenomenon of our society it is a reaction of the ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...David grupe katijana harasic isna switzerland snoezelen for people experiencing a burnout and as prevention is widespread phenomenon of our society it reaction the human psyche to fast pace environment high demands modern officially classified icd syndrome inter national classification diseases great pressure perform profound change networking well global growth economy lead fears stress depression under constant personal needs are neglected consequences can be felt on physical emotional mental level symptoms include feelings loss energy exhaustion increased distance from work or negativ cynic related one s reduced professional efficiency affected person has feeling that they losing control their en vironment themselves occurs across all social classes re gardless age education occupation gender very effective intervention without medical treatment no side effects its positive being patient her his emotions widely known using an prevent help cure new develop ment with learned quite eas...

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