cambridge university press 978 1 108 49246 1 joint species distribution modelling otso ovaskainen nerea abrego excerpt more information part i introduction to community ecology theory and methods in this ...
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...Cambridge university press joint species distribution modelling otso ovaskainen nerea abrego excerpt more information part i introduction to community ecology theory and methods in this web service www org historical development of rst chapter we give a brief overview the history starting from early twentieth century debates on how com munities should be dened continuing until modern conceptual frameworks aim is not review every single model or framework that has been developed would call for an entire book instead eld through most importantly needed introduce concepts ideas underline ecological assumptions behind models sdms general hierarchical communities hmsc particular here will briey mention some theoretical relate but thorough discussions ties given later under each relevant chapters where different components are introduced thereader may wonder why statistically orientated starts with tour many readers interested guring out t jsdm r might tempted completely skip jump straight e...