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picture1_Geometry Pdf 158499 | Mathematics B I

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File: Geometry Pdf 158499 | Mathematics B I
29 mathematics b course b a b sc mathematics b course i total mark 100 appendix a outlines of tests vector and mechanics 100 marks appendix b syllabi and courses ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Mathematics b course a sc i total mark appendix outlines of tests vector and mechanics marks syllabi courses reading note attempt six questions by selecting one question fromsection two from section ii iii iv vectors introduction to algebra scalar product triple applications geometry equation line plane limit continuity differentiability point functions partial derivatives fields the gradient divergence curl expansion formulas forces fundamental concepts principles inertial non frames newton s laws resultant several concurrent parallelogram law resolution triangle lamy theorem polygon conditions equilibrium for particle external internal principle transmissibility like unlike parallel moment about varigon couple equivalent couples composition reduction coplanar force or friction dry fluid coefficients angle on rough inclined acted an sliding titling virtual work problems involving tensions thrust centre mass gravity discrete continuous systems density rigid elastic bodies centroid soli...

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