strategic plan for canoe polo in australia strategic plan for canoe polo in australia draft prepared by the paddle australia canoe polo technical committee for consideration by the paddle australia ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 18 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Strategic plan for canoe polo in australia draft prepared by the paddle technical committee consideration competition october pacptc page background what s refreshing released it is acknowledged that there are limited will be a dynamic resources available to meet objectives document paddling sppa this was developed based accordingly not seek each year with on an extensive consultation and collaboration address every component of but express purposes reviewing progress community across rather focus smaller number key against considering copy priorities changes if any required its website activities actions undertake under broken down into process align rolling nature complement areas numbered correspond whole which similarly seeks seven referenced updated annually part purpose while also as follows inform these sport recognising operational model providing participation opportunities all discussions contribute ongoing clubs competitions can different those wanting join our dialogue arou...