The “Bellinger” Easy to Build Canoe Can be built ready to hit the water in 5 days. Only need basic hand tools & a cordless drill. Half the weight of most fibreglass Canoes. Comes with; o Full size plans enabling the builder to trace out the panels and cut with a Hand saw. o Comprehensive Step By Step Instructions & Bote Cote Boat Building Book. The ‘Bellinger’ is a simple stitch and glue plywood canoe, it is extremely easy to build and can be achieved hand tools and novice skills. The result is a ...
DK-Touring Build Instructions Rev 00 – 02/10/07 JEM Watercraft Disclaimer and waiver of liability: By building these plans, you, the builder, assume all risk and JEM Watercraft - Free Canoe Plans responsibility for the safety of you and anyone else who uses any boat built from or based on these plans. Like all watercraft, if used improperly, serious injury or even death could be the result. It is the builder’s responsibility to build the boat properly and to acquire the necessary skills for safe recreational use. In other words: Be smart, wear your PFD, use good judgment, and have ...