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Sometimes, children go outside of the rules and Mt Warren Park expectations. When this occurs, the school applies The school has a network of support to assist students consistent processes to help children learn to improve/ with behavioural difficulties including: change their behaviour. Administrator support, Guidance Officer, School Chaplain, State School Step 1: Request the behaviour that is required. Reteach. Positive Behaviour Learning Coach, Liaison with external Step 2: Redirect to the correct behaviour. agencies, special school programs, PBL Focus room, etc. Step 3: Give a choice. Step 4: Follow through. Inspiring Successful Learning Persistent and wilful disobedience; Violent behaviour Sometimes, time out may be required in the classroom or Verbal harassment of staff or students in another place for a short period of time so the student Failure to comply with Individual Responsible can reflect on their behavior and plan to make a change. Behaviour Plan Students should catch up the time they have missed Failure to follow Re-Entry Plan during their time out and this can be done by: Persistent bullying Positive Behaviour Learning Catch-Up Referral Vandalism PBL Focus Room Referral for explicit re-teaching of Theft for Learning (PBL) the required expectation Threatening students and staff Buddy Class Verbal misconduct Grossly immoral behaviour After School Detention up to 30 minutes per day; or Bringing contraband to school including cigarettes, Non participation in more enjoyable learning drugs or weapons. activities. Bringing sharp knives to school or using any knife dangerously Use of harmful substances at school. Sometimes, behaviours are serious enough for a student Failure to follow a program of instruction. to be exited from the classroom. A high frequency of out of classroom referrals (OCR) in a school term may require Plus other circumstances that threaten the good order and a special Individual Responsible Behaviour Plan (IRBP) to management of the school as determined by the Principal. assist them to stay in the classroom. Students on an Indi- vidual Responsible Behaviour Plan will have their circum- stances considered in order to determine if they are eligi- ble to attend school excursions. For more information: The school has classified behaviours into minor and www.mtwarrenss.eq.edu.au major. Minor behaviours are dealt with in situ by the Where you can find a complete copy of: staff member. Major behaviours require the intervention of the school support team. Sometimes, the outcome of Mt Warren Park State School’s Responsible major breaches of discipline will require a school Behaviour Plan for Students; suspension. Students who are suspended require a re- Information about processes for PBL; and entry and may require an Individual Responsible Behavior School Newsletters/ School Website Plan upon their return to school. A new way of helping children to learn about behaviour Mt Warren Park State School is committed to There are a number of expectations around these rules The school also rewards students who display the school for all areas of the school and specific expectations for rules. Students receive Hero Rewards in the form of providing a supportive school environment certain areas like the classroom or the play areas. tokens which are displayed in their classrooms. where everyone feels safe, respected and able Rules and expectations at all times: to teach and learn. We believe that we can in- Super Safe, Super Respectful, Super Learner spire successful learning when: Be Safe: These rewards are collated and exchanged for Superhero I keep my whole body to myself. Dollars which can be redeemed by the children for The whole school community feels safe I remain in my designated area. and valued; various prizes at the Treasure Trove. Examples of Prizes I use equipment appropriately and safely. available for the children: Students have opportunities to engage in I walk safely on pathways. Morning tea with the Principal. quality learning experiences; I use seats for sitting on. Get to walk with a teacher of your choice during The school has high expectations for Be Respectful: play time. behaviour and school wide rules and I listen to others. VIP Pass -First in line for a day, including tuck- processes; I follow adults’ directions. shop, games room, i-centre etc All people own their behaviour and I am polite by looking and listening. Coupon: No homework for a week. I use polite words. Choice of a range of novelty prizes including sta- display choices that demonstrate personal tionary items, slime, torch, yo-yo balls etc responsibility; I use a courteous tone of voice. I treat all property with respect. Vouchers: iTunes, EB Games, Tuckshop, no home- Behaviour can be learned and improving I wear my correct school uniform with pride. work for a week etc. behaviours is part of lifelong learning for all; I keep my school clean and tidy. The Hero Points also accumulate and students receive I am truthful and honest. Award Certificates at various levels to acknowledge their success. Appropriate and positive language and Be a Learner: behaviours are defined, modelled, Examples of Award Certificates available: acknowledged and rewarded. I attempt all activities positively. 3 certificates per week, per class: I am responsible for my own choices and actions. Learning how to interact with others in a I am a positive role model of others. Super Safe, Super Respectful, Super Learner variety of settings is essential; and I am a problem solver. I attempt all tasks to the best of my ability. Free Rewards Partnerships between home and school are valued and supported. I seek help when I need it. 500 Hero Tokens— Maze Pen and Certificate I get along with others. Mt Warren Park State School has three school- wide rules to facilitate good behaviour: 1000 Hero Tokens— MWP Drink bottle and Certifi- The school explicitly teaches these rules and has a lesson cate Be Safe; of the week that targets an aspect of the rules and expectations. Every learning area has a copy of the rules. Be Respectful; and ‘A’ behaviour on report card—Gold Badge and Cer- tificate. Be a Learner. Various Whole Class Rewards and Specialist Re- wards.