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...Unit managing classroom managingclassroom teaching learning structure introduction objectives managementandinstruction management the concept understanding learners needs principles of managingaclassroom factors influencing techniques practical suggestions managinglearningininclusiveclassroom inclusive strategies managingbehaviouralproblemsinclassroom preventive measures supportive corrective timemanagement use time let us sum up unitendexercises references and suggested readings answers to checkyour progress a is broader it includes those external which take place out but have strong bearing on learner s behaviour in though weshall discuss all related our emphasis will remain internal while transacting curriculum weknowthatyouhavealreadybeenmanagingyourclassroomforquitesometime managementofaclassroomdemandsthattheteacherberesourcefulenoughand this can be achieved through deliberate attempt only discussion enable you fair practices classroommanagement learningprocess after going should...