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File: Community Pharmacy
module handbook module name community pharmacy module level bachelor abbreviation if applicable lecture fam403 practical work fam406 sub heading if applicable courses included in the module if applicable semester term ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 17 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Module handbook name community pharmacy level bachelor abbreviation if applicable lecture fam practical work sub heading courses included in the semester term fourth year coordinator s elida zairina si mph phd apt lecturer prof dr rika subarniati wahyu utami m abdul rahem kes yunita nita mpharm drs djunaedi pharm gusti noorrizka v achmad sc gesnita nugraheni farm umi athiyah ms dra liza pristianty i nyoman wijaya spfrs arie sulistyarini hanni prihhastuti p phil anila sukorini azza faturrohmah mufarrihah ana yuda yuni priyandani catur d setiawan mochammad language bahasa indonesia classification within compulsory course elective studies curriculum teaching format class hours per week during minutes lectures classes workload total a credit points requirements human behaviour psg prescription iii management mns learning goal competencies knowledge to understand concept of skills honesty discipline teamwork competence aspects from and scope pharmacist role pharmaceutical public health incl...

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