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university comenius university in bratislava faculty faculty of pharmacy course code kfchl 16 mgr a 16 course name pharmacokinetic modelling and drug development type extent and method of educational activities ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 17 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...University comenius in bratislava faculty of pharmacy course code kfchl mgr a name pharmacokinetic modelling and drug development type extent method educational activities hours lectures hour seminar per week full time study number credits th recommended semester trimester level master degree prerequisite courses prerequisites pharmaceutical chemistry kfch pharmacology toxicology kft clinical pharmacotherapy conditions for completion during students will pass written tests worth points each the examination another test be given followed by an oral from current added together to obtain thegrade need collect total at least grade b c d e is needed results education suitable program who are aiming pursue research carrier hear about mathematical models disposition kinetics chemicals body physicochemical principles relationships between profile molecular structure potential drugs after passing familiar with methods determination silico prediction transport properties they broader picture com...