learning lunch flex solutions for national hospital pharmacy learning needs learning portfolio stroke wtm0210 1 march 2012 learning portfolio stroke learning with cppe the centre for pharmacy postgraduate education cppe ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 17 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Learning lunch flex solutions for national hospital pharmacy needs portfolio stroke wtm march with cppe the centre postgraduate education offers a wide range of opportunities workforce we are based in university manchester s school and pharmaceutical sciences funded by department health to provide continuing practising pharmacists technicians providing nhs services england further information about our visit http www ac uk acknowledgements programme manager maria bell regional yorkshire humber author ian rowlands lead pharmacist imperial college healthcare trust reviewers angela alexander south central tania cork local tutor north staffordshire katti nwosu senior care elderly middlesex josceline williams guy st thomas foundation editor neil condron thanks this was piloted at frimley park alison marshall medicines plymouth hospitals ali harris neurosciences appreciate their feedback that participants pilot sessions production peacock design print limited published oxford road m pt overa...