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picture1_Motor Ppt 78002 | Stroke And Effective Interventions

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File: Motor Ppt 78002 | Stroke And Effective Interventions
objectives define stroke review classifications statistics and risk factors identify early warning signs of a stroke identify primary impairments identify secondary impairments recognize hemispheric differences understand prognosis review physical therapy ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 04 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Objectives define stroke review classifications statistics and risk factors identify early warning signs of a primary impairments secondary recognize hemispheric differences understand prognosis physical therapy interventions effective based on research is the sudden loss neurological function caused by an interruption blood flow to brain ischemic clot hemorrhagic blocks or impairs vessels rupture leak in around motor deficits are characterized paralysis hemiplegia weakness hemiparesis typically side body opposite lesion i classification etiological vascular territory anterior cerebral artery thrombosis syndrome embolus middle hemorrhage internal carotid management categories posterior transient attack lacunar minor vertebrobasilar major deteriorating young stoke th leading cause death united states st long term severe disability strokes year estimated survivors population billion costs for care incidence times greater males than females highest african americans american indians alask...

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