File: Pharmacy Practice Pdf 153636 | Mdp Good Pharmacy Practice Gpp
first time in india online management development programme on essentials of good pharmacy practice special emphasis on covid 19 management th th 17 19 june 2021 3 pm to 5 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...First time in india online management development programme on essentials of good pharmacy practice special emphasis covid th june pm to www iihmrbangalore edu about the program this training is specifically aimed gain rapid insights from world health organization who international pharmaceutical federation fip joint guidelines for advancing worldwide and especially additionally it focuses moh fw icmr ncdc handling treatment disposal biomedical waste at healthcare facilities view current crisis its kind being offered mainly experiential while promoting gpp concept among professionals course will help participants get easy access provides opportunities peer discussions eventually influential improving practices introduction topic pandemic has highlighted importance emergency preparedness response ep r s education capacity building infrastructure growth pps continued provide drugs supplies services during public private system complicated varying quality patients face problems as a resul...