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picture1_Drug Store Management Pdf 153630 | Drug House Management

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File: Drug Store Management Pdf 153630 | Drug House Management
drug house management after attaining the required qualification i e diploma or bachelor in pharmacy as well as the experience of running a drug store the pharmacist having an aptitude ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Drug house management after attaining the required qualification i e diploma or bachelor in pharmacy as well experience of running a store pharmacist having an aptitude for business and also willing to invest money has take one more step namely select suitable location foe starting his own can be opened either rural small town urban area big cities towns it is possible run new with limited financial resources these days nationalized cooperative banks provide incentives form soft loans purchasing inventories ideal site main market preferable near about clinics physicians apart from that buying capacity people should studied necessary find out whether potential customers will position pay cash their purchases otherwise prepared extending credit facility some them case selected industrial stability would if on highway close proximity petrol pump railway station bus stand lot investment factors like nature community residing there probable number which depends work occupation may considere...

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