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picture1_Social Justice Theory Pdf 153272 | Sj010 Valentini Coercion&globaljustice

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File: Social Justice Theory Pdf 153272 | Sj010 Valentini Coercion&globaljustice
coercion and global justice towards a unified framework laura valentini the queen s college oxford laura valentini queens ox ac uk cssj working papers series sj010 january 2009 centre for ...

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...Coercion and global justice towards a unified framework laura valentini the queen s college oxford queens ox ac uk cssj working papers series sj january centre for study of social department politics international relations university manor road uq united kingdom tel fax http this paper draws on ideas i developed in my doctoral work am particularly indebted to cecile laborde christian list david miller jonathan wolff helpful challenging discussions robert jubb again henry shue kai spiekermann lea ypi their detailed comments first draft please send any abstract current theoretical debate has reached an impasse between two seemingly irreconcilable views cosmopolitanism one hand holds that liberal principles distributive should apply globally statism other argues only weaker duties assistance extend beyond state borders is there way out argue develop based approach which provides general conceptual from can be derived as special cases systematically assessed then both presuppose implausib...

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