File: Justice Pdf 152883 | 338 Introduction To Law Eng L6
module 2 principles of natural justice functions and techniques of law 6 notes principles of natural justice in this lesson you will be introduced to the concept of natural justice ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Module principles of natural justice functions and techniques law notes in this lesson you will be introduced to the concept simple terms means minimum standards or which administrative authorities should follow deciding matters have civil consequences there are mainly two every authority whether not these specifically provided relevant acts rules no one judge his her own case each party given opportunity heard objectives after studying youwill able z define term discuss various aspects rule against bias analyse fair hearing understand meaning speaking order identify exceptions implies fairness reasonableness equity equality is a common it world counterpart american procedural due process represents higher developed by judges agency must taking any decision adversely affecting rights private individual introduction meant many things writers lawyers systems used interchangeably with divine jus gentium nations changing content however does mean that at time fixed can indentified through ...