File: Social Justice Theory Pdf 152830 | Davisvol40no3 Fisher
global justice in healthcare developing drugs for the developing world william w fisher talha syed table of contents introduction 583 i reasons 585 a national self interest 588 b historical ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Global justice in healthcare developing drugs for the world william w fisher talha syed table of contents introduction i reasons a national self interest b historical equity c social utility basic reasoning distribution cost burden r d allocation resources value dalys vulnerabilities utilitarianism distributive deontological theories teleological right to health ii objections limits ethical commitments obligations needy international robust cosmopolitanism compromising patent system interfering with market pharmaceutical products this paper was first presented at conference on intellectual property and held uc davis school law march we are grateful commentator robert merges other participants their suggestions hale dorr professor harvard s j doctoral candidate university california each year roughly nine million people die from infectious diseases large proportion those deaths could be prevented either by making existing available low prices countries or augmenting devoted creation new...