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picture1_Justice Pdf 152630 | Global Justice Reference Architecture Services Draft

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File: Justice Pdf 152630 | Global Justice Reference Architecture Services Draft
the global justice reference architecture jra services working draft version 1 0 march 2010 global justice reference architecture jra services version 1 0 table of contents services 1 service specification ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...The global justice reference architecture jra services working draft version march table of contents service specification package ssp task team stt i infrastructure standards group giswg has developed a framework profiles and guidelines called which provide guidance to national public safety community on how plan design information sharing technology solutions based oriented soa is methodology for integrating systems while maintaining as much their independence autonomy possible that it allows multiple share but in way still change independently this end focus interoperability at system interface rather than within themselves benefit following greater flexibility agility ability accommodate policy changes more easily support implement enforce along with approach opportunity reuse components therefore less waste resources these benefits were foundation s recommendation nationwide should be there well set methodologies from industry do however fitting pieces together isn t easy purpose ...

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